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Professional Hair Treatment At Home!


Watch the charming Laraib Rahim turn her home into a professional salon with the Kerastase Therapiste bundle!

This bundle comes with an amazing 10% off discount on Bagallery’s site and it is the best solution for people struggling with damaged hair. Constituted of nourishing ingredients like gluco peptide and native plant cells, these products are tailor made for treating damaged and over-processed hair by smoothening and nourishing hair to the very roots.

As Laraib performs her damaged hair ritual using Kerastase products, the end result will leave you mind blown! Get a professional hair treatment while staying at home.

And not just this, but Bagallery offers a variety of other Kerastase bundles, specially made to suit each hair type and to address different hair needs.

So, what are you waiting for? Go get the Kerastase bundle of your choice, only at Bagallery.


The Bundle Includes:

Therapiste Shampoo (Resistance) 250ML – For Damaged Hair

Mask Therapiste (Resistance) 200ML – For Damaged Hair

Serum Therapiste (Resistance) 30ML – For Damaged Hair


Kerastase Collection:

Bagallery’s Website: 

Laraib Rahim:


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    <ahref=“”>Thanks very much

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  • Posted on by Huda Beauty Primer
    This is certainly a well-written article and very thorough. It is really useful to have this on hand when purchasing branded make-up. Many thanks for the informative article.I look forward to your next blog post.

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